
About Us

The Mother Teresa Memorial Social Welfare Trust translates into actions, the philosophy and policy of an integrated holistic approach to human development as reflected in the UN sustainable development goals in the rights of every citizen of a Nation. The Mother Teresa Memorial Social Welfare Trust is an establishment found on 29th August 2001 by Mr. Anthony Rajan, the Founder trusty of the organization to provide basic aid to needful people through various interventions. The Mother Teresa Memorial Social Welfare Trust NGO has completed 20years plus of successful charity and has worked in the field of health, nutrition, education, economic development, and research for the populace. It has co-operated with other NGOs over the years to provide holistic education and empowerment to the underprivileged children, youths, parents (men and women) of the society.


  • To educate children a formal studies according to their age in holistic way
  • To create Training/education centre and health centre
  • To establish library and reading rooms in Schools and society.
  • To provide help under health & nutrition services for child and mother.
  • To arrange land, building and other facilities for running school/college institution/Library etc.
  • To publish newspaper, magazine, journals and to reproduce works of arts, literature, science, crafts and other allied works/collections of works of arts for instruction and imparting useful knowledge.
  • To organise forums, seminars, camps etc for spreading good living habits, moral values, culture, and methods of developing self confidence etc and to create centres throughout the country for the above activities